Posted: August 7, 2024
This summer, Historic Charleston Foundation has welcomed interns across our departments to support, and learn from, Foundation staff members.
The Preservation department welcomed two exceptional interns, Amanda Nestor and Madelyn Reber. Amanda and Madelyn completed an impressive amount of valuable work during their time with April Wood, Director of Preservation. The interns collaborated with the Preservation Society intern, Kerry Campion, to prepare an Area Character Appraisal (ACA) of the North Central Neighborhood. A final draft of the ACA will be completed by July 31 and shared with the North Central Neighborhood Association for their review and edits. Eventually, the ACA will be presented to the Board of Architectural Review for adoption as guidance as they review BAR applications for projects in this neighborhood. This is the second intern collaboration with the Preservation Society. Last summer, an Area Character Appraisal was completed for the Wagener Terrace neighborhood. This document can be found on the City’s website HERE.
Amanda and Madelyn diligently worked to research church histories and grant opportunities for St. John’s Reformed Episcopal Church and New Tabernacle Fourth Baptist Church, assisting with easement inspections, and attending community meetings. Their work with the New Tabernacle Fourth Baptist Church (NTFBC) has been instrumental in securing important protections for the Gothic Revival Church and its historic congregation. In addition, both interns also worked with Preservation Manager, Justin Schwebler, to complete a crack study analysis at the Aiken-Rhett House Museum. This study helps staff monitor movement on the interior of the house and has been a crucial part of the Aiken-Rhett House’s preservation plan moving forward.
The Marketing and Communications department was proud to welcome Ashanti Mitchell, Claflin University undergraduate student, as part of Explore Charleston’s Intern Cultural Enrichment Program (ICEP). In its fourth year, ICEP is an initiative that connects underrepresented minority college students with word-class internship opportunities in the Greater Charleston Area’s travel and hospitality industry. Alongside Rou de Haas, Chief of Operations, and the Marketing team, Ashanti worked diligently to research, plan, and execute family programs at the Nathaniel Russell House Museum, strategize and create content for both historic house museums and supported the team in strategy for The Charleston Festival, HCF’s largest fundraising and educational event of the year.
Thank you to all our summer interns for advancing our mission and spending your summer with Historic Charleston Foundation!
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